OAF X The National Museum of Finland: The Night of the Arts 17.8.2023, 19.00-22.00

OAF celebrates the start of the festival by taking over The National Museum of Finland! The opening event will bring together outsiders and insiders of the art scene and bring forth speech acts about artistic freedom, Finnishness, being an outsider and having the courage to be different.

The Night of the Arts programme includes a surprise art tour of the National Museum. A self-guided art tour designed by the OAF working group invites you to look at art “with the eyes of an outsider”. The visitors will be steered by the Pertti’s Choice, The Autism Foundation and Kukunori working groups together with young people from Helsinki city. The event is free and open to all. In addition to the OAF programme, the museum also has a large international collection of outsider art on display in the exhibition “Untamed Art”. The National Museum’s own exhibitions are open from 18:00.

The programme opens with the legendary Keuhkot at 19.00 with a declaration of free art, and continues until 22.00 on three different stages: in the auditorium, the restaurant and in the courtyard. There will be music, performing arts, performances, literature and films, surprising encounters and participatory programme.

The opening night programme will feature the Autism Foundation’s Theatre Group Vautsi’s performance Hopeful Misunderstandings and the band Felix ja Kuuhullun Kuolema. The WSOY X OAF Stage will explore the theme of literature outside known literature. Poems will be performed by Atte Koskinen, Anja Erämaja and Sanni Purhonen, Julius Kuusisaari, Topi Hauru and Jim Dahl.

The evening will end with a short film screening. The film programme includes a film by Anne Kalliola and Karelian youth about the Karelian language and its position in Finland, the trilogy of films by Kati Kallio and the dance group Ihanat called GEN Z (parts Blue, Black, Pink), Mika Ruohola’s Village, and Miska Tuononen’s silent films.

Opening event schedule

Main stage, auditorium: 19.00 Keuhkot, 20.00 Theatre group Vautsi, 20.45 Short film screening

Karhunpesä stage, at the restaurant: 19.30 WSOY X OAF poets, 20.30 Felix ja Kuuhullun kuolema, 21.30 Performance by Jukka Nevalainen

Halkopiha, outdoor stage: 21.00 performance by Mikko Lautiainen, open mic and non-stop performances from 19-22 with OAF artists, the Poetry Strike Force and Karelian youth.

Read more about the artists: KeuhkotTeatteriryhmä Vautsi, Felix ja Kuuhullun kuolema, Jukka Nevalainen, Mikko LautiainenAnne KalliolaKati Kallio & Tanssiryhmä IhanatMika RuoholaMiska Tuononen

Read more about the Untamed Art exhibition held in The National Museum of Finland

Check also the True Equality event that happens right before OAF Opening event.
