Kati Kallio & Dance Group Ihanat

The series of short dance movies called GEN-Z stars young disabled dance artists Sofia Johansson, Vappu Virkkula and Minttu Heinonen. The movie project is a joint-effort of Riina Hannuksela and Elisa Lejeune, who lead the dance ensemble Ihanat, and the dance artist and movie director Kati Kallio. At the center of the project is enabling the young dancers to participate in the creation of the work all the way from writing to performing. 

GEN-Z diversifies our understanding of this particular generation by bringing forth dancers who rarely have the chance to represent their generation. In the films these dancers come to be seen in the way they want to be seen. The movies aim to break stereotypical understanding of dancers and they offer relatable role models to everyone, but especially to young people like Vappu, Sofia and Minttu. 

At the festival the dance ensemble Ihanat also performs their Muotokuvia -dance performance, where the characters of the films come to life on stage. 

Homepage of Kati Kalliola

Curators comments: “The GEN-Z movies by Kati Kallio and the dance ensemble Ihanat are magical and tender experiences that make you want to stay in their meditative world forever. The trilogy leads the thoughts of the viewer deep into Finnish mythology. The movies have this special heartwarming quality to them.”