Suvi Mononen uses video, photography, painting, dance, sound and poetry in her creative expression. Her short film ‘Six breaths to belonging’ deals with the feeling of belonging, the dissociation associated with trauma, and the experience of separation from body, identity, culture, community, time and place. In addition to self-expression, making art has therapeutic significance for her. Her works have previously been exhibited at Galleria Ratamo in Jyväskylä, as well as an art space in Toinila in Petäjävesi in 2019.
Curators’ comment: Suvi’s work makes you think deeply about the human mind and emotional world. It’s street wise, showy, and tells what the author has experienced. Suvi’s perception of herself offers an inner journey that challenges the viewer in seeing the world by Suvi’s eyes. The film says more than a thousand words.