Jaana Miettinen is a visual artist who works in Studio Viis -collective in Lahti. Miettinen works with painting, sculpture and animation. To the festival she brings a Poke House -sculpture that is a three-stories high dollhouse-like piece. Pikachu, who lives in the Poke House, will also come to life in the form of an animation.
Miettinen has worked with the subject matter of Pokemons from her childhood. Her works take a lot of influence from the worlds of manga, anime and video games. Miettinen also uses acrylic paints and spray painting to create galactic or nature-themed landscapes, which are inhabited by animals and mystical creatures. To counter balance painting, she also builds sculptures of varying size. The figure-like sculptures are created with recyclable materials.
Curators comments: “Jaana Miettinen has built the sympathetic and very detailed dollhouse, which is inhabited by a very familiar video game figure. It’s very delightful and moving to watch Pikachu going about his everyday chores and cozying up at the Poke House.”