Outsider Art Festivalin mainoskuvassa taiteilija Milla Pihlajamäki pitelee omia virkattuja pehmohahmojaan hymyillen.

OAF visual arts programme opens doors to wonderland and reality

What does the world look like from the perspective of an outsider artist? And what could it look like? OAF’s visual arts programme will answer these questions by spreading out to the Caisa Gallery, Pertti’s Choice Gallery and the Virtual Gallery from 15 to 25 August 2024.

The exhibition “Reality” at the Cultural Centre Caisa makes observations about the world and takes a stand on the society around us. The exhibition “Wonderland” at Pertti’s Choice Gallery offers surprises and takes you beyond the everyday.

Artists participating in the OAF’s visual art exhibitions: Anton Amit, Ville Färsaaret, Tanja Huntus, Ton Melnyk & Masha Ravlyk, Milla Pihlajamäki, Kai-Erik Relanti, Juhani Rusanen, Jussi Ruusulampi, Matti Salmela. The exhibitions are curated by Johanna Konttinen and Jaana Miettinen, curators of OAF’s visual arts working group, and mentors Silja Pasila and Pekka Elomaa.

OAF asked Jussi Ruusulampi, a member of the visual arts programme, and artist couple Ton Melnyk and Masha Ravlyk for their thoughts on their own art and their feelings about OAF’s upcoming exhibitions.

Jussi Ruusulampi says that he doesn’t really plan or think in advance what he wants to say with his art. “It’s more about exploration, an interest in digging into the unconscious,” says Ruusulampi. “The works tell their story, not so much me.” Ruusulampi says he is grateful for the opportunity to show his own art at the OAF exhibition. “I follow and practice many different kinds of culture, but I have always been more interested in something a little more marginal. That’s why the OAF is the right platform for my work.”

Activism is a key dimension in the work of artist couple Ton Melnyk and Masha Ravlyk, whose works on show at the festival take a stand against Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine and wars elsewhere in the world. “Participating in the OAF is an opportunity for us to raise the issue and show responsibility and solidarity with the people who are suffering right now because of the war,” say Melnyk and Ravlyk. “We are calling on Russia to stop its attacks on Ukraine. We also want to express our solidarity with the Palestinian people.”

The festival’s visual arts programme, further information and accessibility information are available in the Caisa Gallery of Cultural Centre Caisa and the Pertti’s Choice Gallery. Virtual Gallery will be open its virtual doors later. It is also possible to take a guided tour of the exhibitions in Finnish sign language, details of which will be announced in due course. Admission to the exhibitions is free.

Read more about OAF Visual Arts programme here.