Linnea Mettälä is an artist who works in the Aula-työkoti in Helsinki. Linnea presents a defined style and a strong vision that others follow. The star of the Linnea’s video installation is Linnea herself as she brings out her own way of being in this world. Linnea writes the right words and her own words. For Linnea, texting is one of the best things and she can text all the time. Sometimes Linnea doesn’t want to stop at all.
The written words have more weight because Linnea does not speak. Some of the words are repeated in all of her works, while some change each time. All artworks begin with the words book, teddy bear, clock, rooster. Linnea works with different pens and a brush, texting on different materials. In addition to traditional paper and cardboard, Linnea has also written for example on leather jackets and canvas. The more space to text, the better! The textiles illustrated by Linnea can be found in the museum shop of the Helsinki City Museum.
Curators’ comment: The idea of Linnea’s performance is both lively and hypnotic. The audience is allowed to enter a quiet space of dedication and experience the empty space gradually filling with Linnea’s words. There are just as many words as Linnea wants.