OAF Academy proudly presents: The Hammond virtuoso Kalle Salonen performs with his new group Salonen-Gustavson-Gröhn at the Helsinki Festival’s Huvila venue in 20.8.2023! The legendary Tuomari Nurmio will also take over the stage with his group Dumari and Spuget & Blosarit.

Salonen composes new music for three Hammond organs in the OAF Academy during the summer of 2023. In the live act Salonen will be accompanied by two veteran musicians: Jukka Gustavson of Wigwam fame and Pekka Gröhn from J. Karjalainen’s band. The trio will be accompanied by Salonen’s trusted brass masters Antero Priha and Panu Syrjänen, drummer-producer Hannu Pikkarainen as well as the bass player Teuvo Merkkiniemi. The event promises a new range of groovy rhythm music with a massive organ sound.

Sunday 20.8.2023, Huvila tent

  • Kalle Salonen
  • Dumari ja Spuget & Blosarit

Time: 19:00

Tickets and more information.

In partnership with Helsinki Festival

Read more about: Kalle Salonen, OAF Academy, Kalle Salonen homepage

OAF 20230321 HELSINKI Urkurit Kalle Salonen, Jukka Gustavson ja Pekka Gröhn. Kuva Pekka Elomaa