Lavan edessä yleisö, jonkun kädet ylhäällä osoittamassa rauhanmerkit, otsikolla OAF Talks, musiikki ja mielenterveys.

OAF Talks invites to discuss

You are warmly welcome to come listen and discuss at the Outsider Art Festival’s OAF Talks! OAF Talks is a series of talks where artists, curators and artistic mentors from the festival have a chance to speak. There will be discussions, interviews and performances from across the arts. The OAF Talks programme is held during the festival at festival venues and online. All OAF Talks events are free of charge. 

OAF Talks: Opening of Reality exhibition. 15.8. at 15:00-17:00

Welcome to the Caisa Gallery to meet the artists of the OAF Visual Arts Programme and hear about their work. You will also have the opportunity to meet members of the OAF Artistic Team.

Venue: Caisa Gallery, Cultural Centre Caisa, Helsinki

OAF Talks: Film programme Q&A discussion and screening. 16.8. at 13:00-15:00

The OAF Film Screenings will feature a diverse selection of Finnish outsider cinema. In a Q&A discussion, the artists of the film programme will talk about their films, their artistic processes and their backgrounds. 

Venue: Kino Caisa, Cultural Centre Caisa, Helsinki. 

OAF Talks: Power. 16.8. at 15:00-17:00

OAF Talks will be held in conjunction with the opening of Wonderland exhibition in Pertti’s Choice and will address issues related to inclusive curating, the distribution of power and the presentation of visual art. How are issues of power reflected in the field of art? Who gets to decide? How are decisions made? Kaisa Rönkkö, Director of Taike, will give the opening remarks. 

After the discussion, you can stay and meet the artists at the opening of the Wonderland exhibition from 17-19!

Venue: Pertti’s Choice Gallery, Helsinki

OAF Talks: Music and Mental Health – How Is the Musician’s Mind? 21.8. at 17.30-18.30

OAF, together with Kukunori Ry, is organising a talk on the topic of Music and Mental Health. Why do so many musicians suffer from mental health challenges? Are sensitive people attracted to the creative sector or do working conditions and culture predispose them to mental health problems? Is a shift to a more mind-friendly music industry possible? In the discussion, indie artist Iisa Pajula, freelance coordinator Jaakko Kämäräinen from the Musicians’ Union and Manager and A&R Setumo Bodibe sit down with Markus Raivio from Kukunori ry to discuss the challenges and possible solutions for the sector. 

Venue: Caisa Auditorium, Cultural Centre Caisa, Helsinki

Read more: Reality exhibition, OAF Film Screenings and Q&A, OAF Talks: Power, OAF Talks: Music and Mental Health