Julius “Julle” Kuusisaari is a 48-year writer who has been writing since childhood. He is also recovering from 33 years of substance abuse that nearly killed him. During these years he drifted away from the world of literature but now that he is sober he has discovered the pleasures of expressing himself through writing again.
Kuusisaari has written a lot of poems and he has worked his life story through writing. He has performed in many events and his dream is combining his artistic endeavors into his day job. Kuusisaari especially enjoys it when he gets other people to open up through his texts.
Curators comments: “Julius Kuusisaari is a very promising writer whose poetics and artistic approaches are completely unlike anyone else’s. Artists like Kuusisaari are fundamentally essential to any art scene. He writes very divergent material and cuts boldly into his own experiences. He is also a very charismatic stage performer!”