Sähkökehto, which roughly translates to Electric Cradle, is the alias of Julius Jämsén, musician and media artist from Joensuu. At the festival Sähkökehto presents an immersive video work.
The medium of Sähkökehto’s art varies from experimental sound to video art, but the method always relates to the dialogue between man and machine. The visual components of Sähkökehto are based on (mis)using old video mixers and creating video signals from imperfect electric circuits. When steering this kind of unstable system, planned movements always lead to several unpredictable outcomes. Sähkökehto has performed before at Fiktio Ry’s Laboratorio event and he has also participated in the Da Da Da Da Da installation exhibition.
Curators comments: “The colors, the movements and the sounds of Sähkökehto allow you to feel like you’re swinging in a primordial cradle. Sähkökehto’s video projections form a holistic, surrounding experience. The vivid and spectacular color walls transport the viewer to another dimension.”