Noora Juppi is a freelance pole dancer who has an education as a circus artist. She has been working in pole dance since 2012 as a performer, a choreographer and a teacher. She has performed in the WHS Company’s Swan of Tuonela, which has toured Finland and South Korea. Juppi is interested in challenging the traditional movement and aesthetics of pole dance, which are based on ballet and gymnastics. She is currently particularly interested in the concept of softening in the context of pole dance.
At Outsider Art Festival we’ll see one part from Juppi’s performance project Lovely, which explores the intersection of pole dance performance and meditation practice. The piece explores experiences of sensitivity, pleasure, and connection achievable through meditation, as well as the possibilities of expressing them through pole dance and movement.
Curators’ comments: “A fine circus artist working with a relatively rare instrument, the pole dancing pole. Amazing defiance of the laws of gravity combined with slow meditative movement!”