Kanimaattorit is a Helsinki-based animation group consisting of Leon Nyberg, Mika Hagman, Lasse Ilumar, Olli Huusko and Mikael Gripentrog. Kanimaattorit will present their stop motion animation Two Silly Rabbits And a Ball. The animation has been worked at the Autism Foundation’s Kenttä Kolmonen during the years 2022 and 2023.
The idea for the animation came from Leon Nyberg, who suggested to his arts instructor Mirjami Iho that an animation group should be set up. The film is a group effort, with everyone inventing each part of the plot. The world and characters in the animated film are built using modeling clay, paint, beads and recycled materials. Mika Hagman was responsible for the rabbits’ appearance and voices, Lasse Ilumar created the cat’s appearance and Olli Huusko voiced the cat’s role. Mikael Gripentrog composed, wrote and sang the song “I’m cleared from a rabbit”. Leon Nyberg was responsible for the animation and editing of the film.
Curators’ comments: “A charming, completely original animation that cannot be pigeonholed into any particular genre. Truly a strange and surprising film, even Kafkaesque in places. This is a film that isn’t afraid to break the rules of traditional storytelling.”