OAF Showcase event: Film screening

Ohjelma elokuvanäytös

OAF film screening will feature five short films by Kalevi Helvetti, New Yorkin Rutto (The Plague of New York), Aleksanteri Jaakkola, Look Who’s Screwed!, Neo Omapolku, Rauttis, kertomus vapaudesta (Rauttis, a story of freedom), Suvi Mononen, Six Breaths to Belonging and Mika Ruohola, Jännityksen voittaminen (Overcoming tension). The films can also be viewed online. OAF […]

OAF Opening ceremony


OAF Opening ceremony kicks off with welcoming words of the OAF artistic team and Marko Ahtisaari, artistic director of the Helsinki Festival. The ceremony includes speeches, performances from OAF members and special guests and the opening of OAF Virtual Gallery. The event can also be viewed online at Online Stage and Pertti’s Choice Youtube channel.  […]